Saturday, January 2, 2010

Introduction to the Snailosaurus

As Senora Ditolla would say, "Puntos!" Puntos para you coming here to read this. :)
First post of the year!
Actually, first post of my life. Let me tell you why I just started blogging, it's basically for 3 main reasons:

1. New Years' Resolution. Everyone finding something to resolutionize about, and I made this epic video about my resolutions, but then I somehow deleted it. I'm about as technology illiterate as a blind person is literally illiterate. No offense to any of you blind people reading this. :P
So, anyways, this year one of my resolutions is to write in my diary daily. Yeah, you might think, "WTF? Yena? Writing out her 'feelings' in a diary?"

Yena: John, can you imagine me writing in a diary daily about my "feelings"?
John: No.

But I do! I started 2 weeks ago, I'm well on my way to 50 pages, and I decided that I felt stupid just sitting there and talking about my feelings to myself. So why not talk about them to other people, and what better way to do that than through a WEB LOG? (The official term for "Blog")

2. Facebook stati

You: Uh... What's a sta-
Robert: Plural form of status.

Vocab of the day, everyone. Now for the real question, how exactly do facebook stati inspire oneself to create a blog? Well, personally, I'm a bit addicted to facebook. Mkay, more than a bit. But one thing I have learned are facebook rules of status updating ettiquette, and these I have learned from experience (and reading articles online).

Ettiquette rule number one- Don't update your status more than 3 times a day. Really. You don't even do that many interesting things a day that the world needs to hear about, try to keep it at an average of 1-2 stati a day or you'll end up clogging some newsfeeds. It looks like you have no life if you're that guy who spends more time on facebook talking about the stuff he's doing, rather than the stuff he actually does. 7 stati a day? I'm pretty sure I've done that.
Yes, that's way too much, yes, I regret it.

Ettiquette rule number two- You want to get your status liked and commented on? Then make it funny. If you want your status to catch someone's eye, you can't say "Happy New Years" on New Years' Eve, along with 150 of your friends who said that before you. Of course, it's always nice to be wished a happy new year, I'm not saying you shouldn't say that. :) But just try to say it in a way that's creative, and no, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is not any more creative than "Happy New Year".

Ettiquette rule numero tres-
Focus. Focus, focus, focus on one specific event that happened, don't write an essay about everything you did throughout the day, hoping that everyone will be interested in your life. And don't piss and moan about an unimportant event like, "My pencil broke". That might cause you some trauma, and even though that sounds like a really emotional experience... The rest of the world doesn't agree. ;/ Oh, cruel fate.
And don't be that chick who goes "Slept in today, felt good. Ate burritos for lunch. Biked a mile and took a cold shower. Did some homework, I hate math equations. Listened to music, relaxed. Eating dinner now, watching tv, then I'm going to bed." Well, you know what? NOBODY CARES IF YOU ATE A FREAKING BURRITO FOR LUNCH! We all take showers (Or so I hope). We all hate math equations (Or so I hope). The world does not need to or want to know about it!

After I realized these 3 unspoken laws, I started writing better stati. Soon enough, almost all of them were getting liked or commented upon, and often times people I barely knew would come up to me in person and tell me how my stati always brightened up their day. Then I figured that a blog is kind of like an extended facebook status... So I made a bet with myself that if my status could have wit, my blog would too.

3. Last but not least- Pauline! I never really cared about blogs until Pauline reminded me of their existence, and hey, I thought it was a cool idea. So I'm hoping I'm doing you a favor by posting this link up... Although I doubt many people will ever read my blog, maybe yours could gain some internet sensacionalistic fame through it. :) Everyone, check out Pauline's blog! Oh, and thank you John and Robert, for letting me quote you without your permission. And, uh, Senora Ditolla.

Now that I've explained the WHY, my next post will be about the WHAT. WHAT my blog is about. WHAT audience this is intended for. And WHAT you've probably been wondering- WHAT the heck is a Snailosaurus?!


  1. Hey, I LIKE math equations!
    And you know, it'd be funny if you wrote a blog spot in the form of a set of facebook stati... hee.

  2. haha, creative idea. maybe I'll consider that sometime, although I'm not sure what I would write about for it.
