Monday, January 4, 2010

Snailosaurus Mating Calls

Reproduction is a part of life, and Snailosauri must do it too.
This doesn't mean constantly getting snails and brontosaurus' to impregnate each other, it means... SNAILOSAURUS MATING CALLS! :D
A snailosaurus at its most relaxed state will emit a "krrrrr", similar to the purr of a cat. However, when aroused, snailosauri will say "RAWR".

Cat rawr: Angry cat.
Average person rawr: Angry human.
German rawr: Considered an extremely sexual noise in Germany. (Although I'm not entirely sure if that's true. Read it off the internet, ask a german... Like Alena)
Snailosaurus rawr: I love you!

The more "rrr"s that the snailosaurus adds to either end of the word, the more attracted to the other snailosaurus they are.
However, it is always the male snailosaurus' job to say "RRRRAWRRRR". The female may say it, but the male should always approach the female the first time. It's weird if a girl asks a guy out to dinner... Then who's gonna foot the bill, especially if the guy has to unwillingly accept AND pay? This unspoken law applies to both snailosauri and humans, so ladies, if you like the guy, make it subtle until you know your love is not unrequited. Then lose the subtleness, and wait for him to rawr.
Female snailosauri have different ways of mate calling, but you know she rawrs you when...

-She stalks you like a lioness stalking her antelope. You might not know it, but she does.
-She either gets really quiet or really hyper when she's around you, or both at seperate times. Depends on the person.
-Physical flirting includes blushing, flitting eye contact, or mirroring.
-She's as nervous as a snail that's about to be made into escargot. This is an explanation for a lot of her behaviour.
-She goes out an extra mile to show she cares, even if it's just small things that seem insignificant. Like compliments. Make sure it is clear that these are appreciated, or she'll stop doing them.
-She makes dagger eyes at your female friends. Jealousy much?
-Either you know her friends or she knows yours.
-If you have any significance to her whatsoever, she's going to have an uncanny ability to remember little things you've said/done.
-She finds excuses to talk or be around you. This goes beyond holding a conversation... It's more like small talk.

Female snailosaurus: Does your leaf taste good?
Male snailosaurus: Uh, yeah. Why do you care?

Stupid male snailosaurus. What a conversation killer, those one word replies won't make the cut. And whatever you do, DO NOT BLOW OFF AN ATTRACTIVE FEMALE snailosaurus like that by asking her why she gives a crap. They will not know what to say, and not only that, they will think the male has no interest in them.
Which is probably true, but it hurts their egos, so don't do it. You hurt one female ego, she'll tell all her friends, and they will hate you too. These snailosauri are catty by nature. If you keep blowing her off, she will eventually lose interest and move on- Some females have been known to lose interest after years, some over hours.

For the defense of the male snailosaurus, that leaf question really was quite stupid on her part, but fools in love do crazy things. And that leads me to male mating calls... Which I know almost nothing of, besides the infamous rawr. So now that I've helped out any guys reading this, you could courteously post a comment and return the favor, hint hint.
But one thing is for sure- If a male snailosaurus stops in the middle of an intense hunt to talk to a female, he loves her. "Intense hunt" translates to "xbox" or "last 10 seconds of superbowl".

My next post will be about grease. More specifically, Grease the Musical, which I am auditioning for tomorrow! Check back soon, I rawr you all.

(Thank you Alena, for letting me constantly joke about Germans. Haha. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I kid, I kid. I also thank google for having so many results for the search "signs she likes you". Yes, I'm straight. No, it's not easy putting together a list of flirtation devices.)


    I'm allowed to wordstrech that, right? =]
    Hmmm.... i wonder what chucknorriszilla would have to say about this.


